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Construction Updates- Spring 2021

Monday, February 1, 2021

UTA has several construction projects occurring on campus during Spring 2021. The information below is a brief, high-level outline of the impacts expected to the parking areas around campus.


Trinity Hall:  800 Greek Row Drive

The Trinity Hall construction project is expected to be completed in early 2021.

  • About 60 new faculty/staff stalls will be added to the Trinity parking lot
  • Another 40 stalls will be returned to faculty/staff use.
  • The parking area will have a new entrance/exit from Nedderman Drive
  • The parking areas in this lot will be resurfaced and restriped prior to opening.

School of Social Work- College of Nursing and Health Innovations (SSW/CONHI):  936 S. West St.

The new CoNHI/SSW complex will begin construction activities in LOT 47 in December 2020. In preparation for this change:

Click for a larger image.

Image of parking area.

  • ADA South lot will be permanently relocated and expanded into a portion of F10 LOT starting in mid-December 2020, with an anticipated completion date of early January 2021.  In preparation for the relocation, parts of F10 must be leveled to meet ADA requirements.  The exact number of new ADA stalls will increase and also allow for future expansion if demand is met.  The site was selected to hopefully allow for future development of the F10 LOT in accordance with the master plan while still retaining the ADA parking access.
  • LOT 47 will permanently close to permit holders to allow for construction activity to begin.  Upgrade permit holders can park in the F10 parking lot until 1/15/21.  
  • Construction trailers and fencing will be installed on the southwest corner of the F10 parking lot.
  • Student Upgrade permit holders will have alternative parking starting in January 2021 in the front section of LOT 49 nearest the Michell Street bridge.
  • Construction fencing will be installed around LOT 47 including the one northbound lane of S. West Street. Vehicular and pedestrian access will remain available.
AUGUST 2021:
  • LOT CPW will be reallocated to faculty/staff parking to accommodate the expected demand of faculty/staff permit holders. 
  • Resident East parking will be expanded into the Lipscomb East, LOT 38, or the College Park garages to account for the reallocation of CPW.  The exact location is still TBD.
  • The lower level of Park North will convert from First Baptist Church parking to Faculty/Staff/Student parking in preparation for the opening of a new academic center in The Shops at College Park.
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